Alpha Anywhere Tutorial Definition


The .a5tut extension is used for defining an interactive tutorial.


Property and Description

Track action to follow


Name of action


Fully Qualified identifier of action location in the UX.


HTML content to display associated with the control or subitem of a control identified by the 'where' property.


Edge of control specified by the 'where' property to display the message (left, right, top, bottom).


For this step to complete, the value of the control specified by the 'where' property must match this value.

Can be an object rather than a string if the control specified for 'where' does not match the control for the action.


If the value of the control specified by the 'where' property matches this value, this step is skipped.

Can be an object rather than a string if the control specified for 'where' does not match the control for the action.


If the value of the control specified by the 'where' property does not matche this value, this step is skipped.


This contains an optional xbasic expression, which can contain a <dlgtitle> placeholder, which gets replaced with the string of the xdialog specified by the actions 'where' property.

The expression should return a logical .t. if the action is valid (at which point, the action script will advance to the next action).


This contains an optional xbasic expression, which can contain a <dlgtitle> placeholder, which gets replaced with the string of the xdialog specified by the actions 'where' property.

The expression should return a logical .t. if the action should be skipped.


Identifies this as the last action in a 'step'.


Add the 'next' step to the 'page' this step is one.


The purpose is to skip a 'block' of commands if a skip condition is met / skips to a step identfied by a label.


Name a target for a skipTo.


Property and Description

Action is a menu selection , can be top menu or context menu or submenu.


Action is result of user editing the value of a control.


Action is result of user selecting the value of a control.


Action is the result of the user clicking on a control.


Action is the result of the user double clicking on a control.


Action is the result of the user right clicking on a control.


Action is *any* action on a control (this is generally used in conjuction with an 'exactMatch' where a control value might be set via selection or editing).


Action is the result of the user selecting a diffent view, generally by clicking on the title section.


Action is placeholder for actions in another file (where property contains relative path).

ExactMatch, SkipMatch Object


Specifies the control to follow the value of.


Specifies the match 'value'.

Example with SkipMatch

In this example, when the tutorial script is run from the web control panel, a message will point to the 'Web Components' entry of in the Web Control Panel Selector if the 'Web Components' page is not the active page. Then a message will show up above the 'new' button.

    "actions": [
            "action": "controlChange",
            "name": "Web Components",
            "where": "/WebControlPanel/list/Category/Web Components",
            "message": "Change Web Components control.",
            "skipMatch": "Web Components",
            "step": 1
            "action": "buttonClick",
            "name": "New",
            "where": "/WebControlPanel/button/New",
            "message": "Click New button.",
            "edge": "top",
            "step": 2

Example of tracking changes to List Content

Below is a standalone tutorial code example of a dialog that has a button that adds elements to a list, and advances to the *next* step only when the list has 7 entries.

Note that exactMatch is an object instead of a string, because the action is the button click, but the value to Test is the content of the list.

Also note that the list content is denoted by the control path (/Test/list/item) with the #List suffix.

Also note that the sample xdialog uses the {where=} keyword to specify the well known name.

dim json as c = <<%json%
    "actions": [
            "action": "buttonClick",
            "name": "Add",
            "where": "/Test/button/Add",
            "message": "Click Add button.",
            "step": 2,
            "continue" : true , 
            "exactMatch" : {
             	"where" : "/Test/list/item#List",
             	"value" :  "One\nTwo\nThree\nFour\nFive\nSix\nSeven"
            "action": "buttonClick",
            "name": "Close",
            "where": "/Test/button/Close",
            "message": "Click Close button.",
            "step": 3
dim uxa as WindowManager::UxAutomation

dim item as c
dim items as c = <<%str%

ui_dlg_box("test",<<%dlg% {where=/Test}
if a_dlg_button = "add" then
	a_dlg_button = ""
	 items = alltrim(items) + crlf() + str(line_count(items)+1,200,0,"XF")
end if

Example of using Xbasic expressions to Validate and Skip

If the validation or skip rules provided are not enough, there are two rules that call into xbasic that allow for arbitrarily complex validation.

The following script demonstrates a Validation rule and a Skip rule that are bound to two logical variables maintained by the example xdialog.

dim json as c = <<%json%
    "actions": [
            "action": "buttonClick",
            "name": "Add",
            "where": "/Test/button/Add",
            "message": "Click Add button.",
            "step": 2,
            "continue" : true , 
            "validateEval" : "ui_dlg_eval(<dlgtitle>,\"valid\")"
            "action": "buttonClick",
            "name": "Optional",
            "where": "/Test/button/Optional",
            "message": "Click Optional button.",
            "step": 3, 
            "skipEval" : "ui_dlg_eval(<dlgtitle>,\".not. require_optional\")"
            "action": "buttonClick",
            "name": "Close",
            "where": "/Test/button/Close",
            "message": "Click Close button.",
            "step": 4
dim uxa as WindowManager::UxAutomation

dim item as c
dim valid as l = .f.
dim require_optional as l = .f.
dim items as c = <<%str%

ui_dlg_box("test",<<%dlg% {where=/Test}
(valid!state_change) Its valid;
(require_optional!state_change) Require Optional Step;
if a_dlg_button = "add" then
	a_dlg_button = ""
	 items = alltrim(items) + crlf() + str(line_count(items)+1,200,0,"XF")
else if a_dlg_button = "optional" then
	a_dlg_button = ""
	ui_msg_box("optional step","clicking on this button is optional")
else if a_dlg_button = "state_change" then
	a_dlg_button = ""
end if